Take control of your gut health with the world’s most advance gut test

Improve and rebuild your gut health by deeper learning using the latest cutting-edge technology

Unlock the hidden truths within your gut with Next Generation Sequencing (NGS) gut test

The study of gut microbiome depends on the technology that is used so the more information you can collect means we learn more about our health. We use Metagenomics Next Generation Sequencing (NGS). The resolution and accuracy of the species detected are far greater in NGS (metagenomics) than in other methods like qPCR.

Next-generation sequencing (NGS) is a type of DNA sequencing technology that is used to rapidly sequence large amounts of DNA.

A gut NGS test can provide a comprehensive assessment of the gut microbiome, by providing a high-resolution view of the microbial community.

It can identify and quantify a wide range of bacterial species and even detect rare or previously unknown microbes that may have been missed by conventional methods.

NGS Coverage
Traditional targeted analysis

Advantages of Next Generation Sequencing gut test

  • Comprehensive analysis: NGS allows for a more detailed and comprehensive analysis of the gut microbiome compared to traditional culture-based methods. It can identify a wider range of microbial species and accurately measure their abundance.
  • High throughput: NGS enables the sequencing of millions of DNA fragments simultaneously, allowing for the analysis of a large number of microbial samples in a shorter amount of time.
Illumina | Genomics for Good
  • Accuracy and sensitivity: NGS technology provides highly accurate and sensitive results, even for low-abundance microbial species. This can help in detecting and monitoring specific pathogens or dysbiosis.
  • Personalized insights: NGS testing can provide personalized insights into an individual's gut microbiome, allowing for tailored recommendations for diet, lifestyle, or probiotic choices.
  • Future-proofing: NGS technology is constantly evolving, allowing for the exploration of new aspects of the gut microbiome and potential advancements in diagnostics and therapeutics in the future.
  • Non-invasive: Gut NGS testing can be done using a non-invasive approach, such as a stool sample, making it a convenient and comfortable option for individuals.
See how NGS is driving the American gut project
  • Research and clinical applications: Gut NGS testing has been widely used in research to help individuals make informed decisions about diet, lifestyle, and potential treatments to optimize their gut health and overall well-being.
  • NGS test can provide information about the diversity and composition of the gut microbiome. A diverse gut microbiome is generally considered to be a sign of good gut health, while a less diverse microbiome may be associated with certain health conditions such as inflammatory bowel disease or obesity.
  • NGS test can also detect the presence of antibiotic-resistant bacteria in the gut. This information can be crucial for guiding the appropriate use of antibiotics and avoiding the development of antibiotic resistance.

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